What to buy in the autumn, a great list made by BBC Food
cabagge-it can be used as a salad with oil, pepper and vinegar, also as a second dish if you eat turkey, as chicken I think they are full with hormones. Actually it would be a nice thing if you bought it from a peasant.
fig - it can bu used mainly as an ingredient in a sauce or as a desert
pear - it can be eaten as a fruit, in an juice together with other fruits, or with blue cheese
plum - it is probably the fruit with most sugar and it is used mainly in gem and tartines, but my father, which cooks better than me, says it is good also in duck recipes, just for the flavour.
pumpkin - probably the best fruit to buy in the autumn. It has a great amount of vitamin D and A and can be used in soupes, baked with honey in the oven or in a mixed juice
apple -another great fruit that makes you forget about exotic (that are on the market in every season) like grepfruit or banans. You can make juice or appple pie.
apricot - sweet and used as a stewed fruit
aubergine - are used in pickeled snack or as a garnish to other dishes
beetroot - used as garnish with some olive oil and basil
cucumber - great to be used as a pickle for the winter season but also in salads
beans - good for your digestive system and to be stored for winter
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