• What to drink to fight a cold

    As winter is almost here, more and more friends are catching a cold. As for me, I think the tea does a miracle for me, for now anyway :D

    So let's see some drinks that keep the doctor away. Wait this is the slogan for the apple a day but lets reinvent it with an drink a day (still no alchool).

    Black or green tea

    Drinking them can be a good method to replace coffee. Both have antioxidants and drinked with  honey they have anti-bacterial proprieties. It can be usefull to reduce sore throat.

    Chicken soup with vegetables. Old remedy but yet so powerful. Some say it has anti-inflammatory properties and lots of vitamins and proteins.

    Water, simple or with lemon, maybe lime bacause it is sweeter.

    Ginger tea. It can be usefull for those with cold hands and feet and also for the ones that have problemes with their stomach. Ginger tea has a spicy taste and is used as a home remedy for colds, flu, and sore throats

    How to make ginger tea. You need 1L of water, 3 slices of ginger and some lime. Mix these together and then serve it with honey.

    You can also drink smoothies with lots of vitamins. Mix orange, grepfruit and any other juices with vitamin C.

    Echinacea. You sure heard when you were ill that you must drink a tea of echinacea or take some pills wiht it. But nevertheless that aren't studies that demonstrate that is really effective. so maybe you can add it to another tea or add a couple of drops in your tea.

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